Waey Association for Community health
About Waey: Non-profit organization licensed by the National Center for Developments of non-profit sector since 2019 under N0. 1405, at a national level of catchment area with main office at Riyadh City.
As a recognized and prominent association in the public health intervention programs, Waey is committed to address health risks, diseases and epidemics prevention & participate in Community Surveys and, researches in addition to carrier development among health care students & professions with focusing on practical field work training.
Our Vision: Leadership and excellence in providing preventive health services to the general community.
Our Mission: Providing preventive and educational voluntary health services to the community through qualified professionals, effective programs and influential
Our Values: Professionalism, Transparency, Cooperation & Proactivity
•To disseminate the culture of volunteering among healthcare practitioners.
•To contribute in the provision of preventive, rehabilitative and public health services to the community.
•To develope the skills of young students & junior graduates of health specializations.
•To contribute in the public health researches and Surveys.
•To contribute in prevention of spread of chronic diseases and epidemics among the community.
•To raise the level of health awareness in the community through qualified healthcare practitioners.
Waey providing the various activities through:
• Community field work health related activities
• Online platforms for training, awareness activities and consultation services.
• CME & CPD training activities licensed by Saudi Council of health Specialization.
• Mobile Preventive Clinics & Campaigns
• Providing consultation services and project management in: Health need assessment, Strategy development, health program designing, writing health education & promotion contents for awareness campaigns and Social media utilization.
• Waey Club for public health & Epidemiology researches.
• Participating with different partners in their training, educational, and preventive activities.